Ben Hogan Blog Time

Hello friends, my name is Ben Hogan, and I will be filling you in on our adventure! To start the day, we visited the real estate company Mayor’s properties, created by Mayor himself (that’s his name, not title). His business was centered around creating affordable housing for wealthy and successful people in Ghana; a seemingly successful endeavor despite the irony.

After lunch, we visited Dikan, which is a non-profit focused on photography and videography, centered around Africa and its artists. The founder Paul Ninson highlighted his reason for creating this venture. This reason was about ‘perspective,’ which he wanted more of from African artists, especially when covering Africa and its matters. 

After focusing (photo pun) on that experience, we went to The Artist Alliance to learn more about African art. Next we went to Accra Mall to kill time before our networking-supper extravaganza with UMN Carlson grad students at Chez Afrique. With that, our time together comes to an end. I hope my writing skills provided an accurate and riveting adventure for you to read!


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